8 Things Your LinkedIn Profile Needs

Oct 29, 2020

LinkedIn isn't just another social media platform to add to your repertoire and then ignore. This platform can have a huge and positive impact on your career if you use it correctly!

Don’t underestimate the importance of LinkedIn in your job search or how having a profile can highlight your achievements and show credibility in your industry. The communities and networks you can connect with on LinkedIn can open doors and lead to opportunities you might otherwise not have had access to.

The advantages and benefits of having a profile can open up doors to opportunities that wouldn’t have otherwise existed. Your profile is your first impression to recruiters and hiring managers who are looking for someone to fill that perfect position. However, not having a completed profile or an unprofessional one can have negative effects on your ability to find a job. It would be the same as having an incomplete or unprofessional resume. LinkedIn is your online resume. 

If you have...

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Don’t Dream Small

Sep 24, 2020

I don’t want to be good at everything but when I talk about why it means so much to me to have a very effective schedule, to always focus on being a better performer, not only in my career but in life as a mom and as a wife, I know there are some things I need to be great at. I have really big goals and I don’t dream small. 

Most people dream small because they don’t want to face the potential disappointment that a big dream may bring. By not dreaming big you are not allowing yourself to reach your full potential. You’ll miss the opportunity to reach your ultimate goal. 

Fear of failure can have you stuck in an unsuccessful, unsatisfying career. 

Are you dreaming big enough?

If you’re not motivated enough to move forward and take action, either your dreams are too small or you’re not dreaming at all. So many people are afraid to dream big, set exciting goals, and take the steps needed to reach those goals. And so many people are...

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Position Yourself As A Leader

Jul 07, 2020

One of the biggest drivers of success in any career is positioning yourself as a leader no matter what role or title you have.  

Are there any influential leaders that you look up to? Think about how they became a leader and the skills they possess. You recognize them as influential leaders because of those skills, their mindset, and how they position themselves. 

No matter your title, YOU too can show up as a leader. Without having any direct reports, you can be respected as a leader amongst your peers. Tapping into your personal strengths is something you can start doing NOW.

3 ways to help craft your skills and position yourself as a leader

Level of Influence

One way to position yourself as a leader is the level of influence you have on your peers. How you influence those around you is a huge indicator of someone is management potential. If people want to follow your lead and you’re influencing them by already stepping into the leadership role. By...

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Goal Obsession and Goal Setting

Jun 02, 2020

“Become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.” ~Grant Cardone.

 Do you feel because you’re so obsessed with your goals that there are people around you who just don’t understand you?  Your family and friends just don’t seem to get it. They ask why are you making such a big deal out of this pipe dream and not putting focus on your family instead. 

Sound familiar? 

But it’s ok to prioritize what YOU want out of life. It’s ok if people get upset that they’re not at the top of your list. It doesn’t mean they’re not on your list. It means for right now, your priorities are in a specific order and what YOU want is at the very top. And what’s most important is that on that list, the person who’s at the top is YOU. 

Having an undeniable obsession with your goals...

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Creating a Career Plan

May 07, 2020

A career plan is not just about your next promotion or next raise. It’s about your long term plan for your career. Your final destination.

Start by asking yourself what would be the ultimate aspiration of your career? Then create a plan to get there.

If you’re clear about the destination, then a few bumps in the road won’t feel like a complete derailment or failure.  Detours due to small bumps are inevitable. But having clarity of your destination will help you think about your next move instead of giving up your dream goal. 

Stop giving yourself an “out” if you can’t figure out what to do. Start thinking about strategic moves and actionable items that will help you figure it out. An action plan lays out what you need to complete in order to accomplish your goals. Accomplishing these tasks are based on a timeline in which every task is assigned a timeframe. This helps you to reach your goal efficiently.

I spent 4 years in my career when...

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